If You Clicked On An Image Source Button & Arrived Here
The image you followed the source for is an original Grumpy Old Limey image. You may reuse this image if you provide attribution by means of a permanent link to the article containing the image.
The image you followed the source for is an original Grumpy Old Limey image. You may reuse this image if you provide attribution by means of a permanent link to the article containing the image.
Some of the images used on this website are original, most are from flickr and are under Creative Commons license and a few are sourced elsewhere. Where we have been able we have provided attribution by means of link to source; where we could not do that we have provided whatever reference information we have. In a few instances our source is unknown; mostly because the image from an old computer or website we no longer maintain and the source information is lost in the "sands of time".
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Reuse Of Material From This Site
Original images may copied and used so long as attribtion by means of a link [link code as specified with the image] back to the original article is included with the image.
Other images may be copied and used so long as the terms of the original source are adhered to.
All copy, other than attributed quotes, on this website is original and should not be used elsewhere.